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Young Cuttle Fish


It is a time-honoured tradition to have bodies of water near dwarvish settlements be guarded by tentacled creatures. Outsiders have oft questioned the practicality and safety of such arrangements, but the dwarves of triththa have learned that cuttlefish are quite intelligent and when raised from birth, can be taught to follow orders.

The trick to finding a young cuttlefish is knowing the colour of their shell. Young ones still have a softer and weaker one, that has a pinkish hue.

Ghi chú đặc biệt: The victims of this unit's poison will continually take damage until they can be cured in town or by a unit which cures. Đòn tấn công liên hoàn của đơn vị này trở nên ít nguy hiểm khi nó bị thương.

Nâng cấp từ:
Nâng cấp thành: Mực
Chi phí: 21
Máu: 46
Di chuyển: 8
KN: 48
Trình độ: 1
Phân loại: trung lập
IDEoS Young Cuttle Fish
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